$200 per month each
두개 한 번에 렌트 하시면 discount 해드려요
Secure Carpark near Southercross station, level 3. 24 hour access.
enter using remote, and card key.
building gym and pool also available for use with swipe card.
looking to rent for as long term as possible.
I have two car park, feel free to rent both, same spot
Max height : 2M
Security : Remote
Max vehicle size : VAN, SUV
Width : 2.5m / Length 5.5m
Minimum rent : 3month
$200 per month (4weeks)
key deposit is $300
enter using remote, and card key.
building gym and pool also available for use with swipe card.
looking to rent for as long term as possible.
I have two car park, feel free to rent both, same spot
Max height : 2M
Security : Remote
Max vehicle size : VAN, SUV
Width : 2.5m / Length 5.5m
Minimum rent : 3month
$200 per month (4weeks)
key deposit is $300
카카오 : goatnsdl5945 연락주세요