영어 실력을 더 많이 절하고 싶다?
대화할 사람을 찾을 수 없다고?
매주 일요일 오후마다 호주 원어민에게 무료로 배울 수 있는 기회가 있다.
우리 영어 구사 수준에 상관없이 자기 발전을 추구할 의향이 있는 모든 사람을 환영요.
여러분은 여전히 무엇을 기다리고 있습니까?
대담하게 그룹에서 더 많은 이야기를 나누고 싶습니까 ?
자유롭게 메시지를 보내주세요!
Are you struggling to improve your English proficiency?
Can't find someone to chat with? Here is the chance for you to learn from an Australian native English speaker for FREE every Sunday afternoon! We welcome everyone who is willing to to seek self-improvement, regardless of your level of command of English. What are you still waiting for? Dare to speak more in the group! Feel free to message me for more info!
Can't find someone to chat with? Here is the chance for you to learn from an Australian native English speaker for FREE every Sunday afternoon! We welcome everyone who is willing to to seek self-improvement, regardless of your level of command of English. What are you still waiting for? Dare to speak more in the group! Feel free to message me for more info!